Bergmann Studios
Design Consultancy
— The Studio
We create visual identity design solutions for cultural institutions, brands and events.
Bergmann Studios was founded in 2008 by Prof. Kai Bergmann in Frankfurt, Germany and London, UK.
— Clients
Adidas, Art Directors Club Germany, BASF,
Deutsche Bahn, Deutsches Filmmuseum, Eintracht Frankfurt Museum, Evonic Industries, Foundation Hindemith, Gamescom, Heinrich Böll Stiftung Hessen, Nippon Connection Film Festival, Schampus Magazine, Stroemfeld Publishers, VDW Award, Woche der Kritik Filmfestival Berlin …
— 50+ Awards and Distinction
Red Dot Best of the Best, iF Gold, D&AD IBA, TDC NYC, Corporate Design Preis Grand Prix, German Design Award Gold, European Design Silver, ADC*E Bronze, ADC D Silver, JBA (Vienna) Silver, 100 Beste Plakate, Incom-Grand Prix, Berliner Type Award, German Type Award, DDC Silver, ADC NYC Merit, Mut zur Wut, Breda Design Festival …
— Publications
ARD Tagesschau TV, itsnicethat Web, PAGE Mag, Novum Mag, ›I Love Gill Sans‹ Book, IDN Mag, Graphic Design Inspirations Book, Design Diffusion Italy Mag, Slanted Web, Fontblog Blog, brand eins Mag, Sushi 12 + 15 Book, VOX TV, Frankfurter Rundschau Newspaper, Focus Mag, ›Festival fever‹ (Monsa, BCN) Book, Arte ›Tracks‹ TV …
— Exhibitions/Collections
Museum für Gestaltung Zürich, ›Do you read me?!‹ Berlin, Mousonturm Frankfurt, 1. Graphic Design Biennale Xi’an/China, 48 Stunden Neukoelln Berlin, Design Festival Breda/NL, Designers Block: Illustrate London …
— Talks
ADC Ausbildungskonferenz Hamburg, Pecha Kucha Night Frankfurt (2 + 10 + 12), Creative Printing 08 Vienna, Abendrot Mainz, ADC Pink Saturday Wiesbaden, Academy of Visual Arts Frankfurt …
— Jurys
Art Directors Club Germany ADC, Deutscher Designer Club DDC, Bund Freier Fotografen BFF, Junior Agency GWA, Mut-zur-Wut Poster competition 2017, Corporate Design Offenbach, Corporate Design Wesel, Corporate Design Hessenpark, Medienpreis Augsburg, Deutscher Fußball Bund DFB …
— Memberships
ADC Art Directors Club Germany, D&AD London (2010–2012), DDC Deutscher Designer Club,
100Beste Plakate e.V., TDC Type Directors Club New York (2006–2010)
— Workshops and Lectures
University of Applied Sciences Augsburg, HfG Offenbach, Camberwell College of Arts London, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Jade University Wilhelmshaven,
— Really (!) NO Internships !
Please Note: We do not work with interns anymore. We do not offer any placements. Sorry!
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